
Waiting on God for a Spouse: Amazing True Stories of God’s Timing

I curated these true stories of those who waited on God for a spouse to encourage any single who’s discouraged by an extended unwanted singleness. These stories magnify the goodness and faithfulness of God and will help you wait for what you truly deserve, a spouse brought to you by the Lord.

But before we get to the stories, it is important to answer a very important question. The answer to this question will help you either to adjust your beliefs about waiting or to make the most out of your waiting season.

Is it God or is it You (and the Church) Keeping You Single?

This is an uncomfortable question for many singles because it’s easier to lump it all on God’s sovereignty and timing, and free ourselves of all responsibility for our unwanted singleness.

I do not believe that it’s all up to God whether and when you get married. You have a part to play in finding a spouse and that part does not mean doing nothing. If you do not cooperate with God, you can stay single for much longer or even forever.

Sounds uncomfortable, but please don’t get turned off. This is not blaming you for still being single. There’s a lot of teaching that’s encouraging the single Christian woman to just keep on waiting. If she takes any practical steps to find a spouse, it’s made to look like she does not trust God’s timing. She should pray, get active in church and missions and whatever, except take practical steps to find or be findable by eligible single men.

But waiting on God is not a passive wait. Waiting on God for a spouse is NOT you saying, “Well God, I’m just going to focus on you and if you have a man out there for me, you’re gonna somehow find a way of letting him find me.”

Ruth did not wait for Boaz!

As soon as Naomi discovered that Ruth’s path had crossed with that of a good man, she advised the young woman to wash, perfume herself, put on her best clothes (take note!) and ask the man to marry her (see Ruth 3).

Boaz was delightedly surprised by Ruth’s request. If Ruth did not reach out, it’s probable that he’d never have asked to have her as his wife (Ruth 3:10-13).

Now, it’s not in us today (not even in women generally) to be that direct about a man you desire. But it’s an example of how a Godly woman can invite a man to pursue a relationship with her.


portrait of happy couple

Okay, I needed all of the above out of the way. So you don’t assume it’s God keeping you single until his timing if that’s not the case.

Onto the amazing stories of God’s timing, shall we?

Nah, one last question.

Why Does God Make You Wait for his Timing for a Spouse?

God does indeed make some singles wait, no matter how hard they try to find a spouse. Many singles want to understand why he would do that.

The simple answer is that it’s not yet time.

But is it as simple as it sounds? I guess not.

A lot of behind the scenes happen before God brings two people together. Maybe he’s working on you, or he’s working on your future spouse, and will only bring you two when you’re both ready for that relationship.

While biology, your desire, parents, and friends may tell you that you’re ready or more than ready for that God-ordained marriage, God sees differently. And he’s not bound to anyone’s clock. If you wait, in his time, your godly spouse will show up if God wants you to be married.

How to Wait the Right Way

These are personal journeys with the Lord. Be encouraged by God’s faithfulness revealed in these stories. Learn the lessons, apply the principles, but allow God to write your own love story. You must not have the same exact story as someone else. Seek God and walk with him.

Bottom line? Be led by God.

As you’ll see in these stories, waiting on God’s timing for your spouse is not a passive wait where you float aimlessly along life, waiting on God to deliver on his promise. It is an active pursuit of God and his agenda for you right now.

If God has you waiting for his timing, understand that he has what should preoccupy you NOW.

So, as you wait:

Build your relationship with the Lord. It’s a beautiful testimony for a single to be so full of God that marriage is just an addition to their lives and an empowerment for greater and better service to God.

Pursue God’s purpose for you. You have a unique assignment in God’s overall purpose for the church and the world. As you wait on God for your spouse, get busy with the Father’s business.

Prepare for marriage. Singleness is the season to prepare for marriage. Unfortunately, many singles long for marriage while doing nothing to get themselves ready for its responsibilities. Don’t let that be you. Read books on relationship and marriage. Prepare for your role as a husband or wife. Develop financial accountability. Pray that God will help you make wise decisions.

Enjoy life! Life doesn’t start when you get married. Determine to make your singleness a memorable season. Make friends. Take care of yourself. Indulge your hobbies. Get involved in your community.

Now, to the true life stories, examples of people who waited and God showed up big time.

Amazing True Stories of God’s Timing in Marriage

These are not the only stories of God bringing two people together. I feature stories that have impacted me and buttressed my belief that God indeed cares about who you marry and when you marry.

1. Ashley and Josh

How would you respond if God told you to break up with the most amazing girl or guy you ever met?

Certainly not with joyful submission to God’s will. For Ashley and Josh, their obedience came through gritted teeth and pain.

But like Ashley says, “When we wait for his timing, amazing things happen.”

Watch their incredible story that stands as a testament against those who say God can’t show you who to marry. I know God does care about who we marry.

2. Ellen and John Duncan

I so love this beautiful story where God told Ellen to give up dating and just trust Him. On John’s side, God spoke to him through a wise woman with a word that proved true when he met Ellen.

The couple describes their booklet, The Match Maker, as “A modern-day testimony of God’s faithfulness in finding a spouse.” What a story!

You can find their amazing story and also download the free booklet on their website.

3. Heather and Cornelius Lindsey

I followed Heather on social media, and they’re that kind of couple that makes you want to get it right in marriage. Marriage, although not without its own challenges, is meant to be beautiful, and that’s exactly what I learned from the Lindseys.

In one post on social media, Heather jokingly said God made her wait because he still needed her man to grow up. Literally! Because she’s four years older.

So you see, God might just have you waiting because your future husband or wife still has some growing up to do, whether physically or spiritually.

Yes, I know you’re dying to know how God brought the Lindseys together. Okay, read  their story here.

4. Lydia and Derek Prince

This story falls in a unique category of its own, not just because the couple is late, but because of the way they lived out their singleness. Neither Lydia nor Derek was waiting for God’s timing for marriage. Rather, each was so consumed with following God that they were ready to remain single if that was what God wanted. Fully surrendered to God.

And that’s exactly why I think their story is important. The Apostle Paul says this about an unmarried person in 1 Corinthians 7:31.

  • One who is unmarried is concerned about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord. 1 Corinthians 7:31.

Singleness offers you the advantage to give an undivided attention to the Lord. When you do, and God really wants you to get married, you can’t escape getting married! In fact, you’d walk effortlessly into the arms of that person God wants you to marry, and you’d so complement each other that you’d thank God he brought you together.

Lydia tells her life story in her book, Appointment in Jerusalem (marriage testimony not included). I read this book about 5 years ago, and it’s still one of the best books I’ve ever read. It’s one of those books that leave you wanting more of God. It teaches you about purpose and shows you how a surrendered life can be a vessel for the demonstration of God’s power and faithfulness. I highly recommend the book.

Meanwhile, Derek teaches about marriage and narrates their love story in his own book, God is a Match Maker.


Waiting on God for a spouse can be hard. Reading other people’s testimonies strengthens your faith in God’s goodness and inspires you to wait the right way. If God truly has you waiting, know that when your future spouse finally shows up, the wait will be worth it. Continue honoring God in your singleness as you wait!

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